Life hack to #Happiness

Don’t lockdown your Happiness 

Haven’t you wondered and gone insane in search of happiness? Yes of course today we all are searching for happiness…but often we tend to forget it’s hidden within us. What is the difference between pleasure and happiness? Pleasure is finite and temporary in nature whereas happiness or joy is infinite. For example, when we purchase a car, mobile etc; the thing is treated as precious till our curiosity and anxiety exists, which gradually loses its worth may be in a day, a month and later we regret for purchasing an outdated model or version, isn’t it? So the temporary satisfaction which we gain is pleasure.

Happiness is a broader concept; happiness brings us joy which is internally adorned by our feelings. For example, when we achieve our dream or when we help somebody in distress …note that the help can be categorized as physical, moral or financial …the inner peace which we get is so blissful that we cherish it till our lifetime. But there are people who feel that this is not enough and always doing good to preserve humanity. You must have even noticed that some people unintentionally forget their good deeds. But the recipients will bless you from the bottom of the heart.

The universe lays down the rule of give and take. A tree is unconditionally taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen; have you ever seen a tree demanding for a thing against its service? Unfortunately, nobody thinks of it, just because the tree is not demanding. That’s why, I have decided to gift with a bunch of plants on occasions like wedding, birthday. Isn’t it a good idea?

Gift me please

My opinion - Happiness can best be perceived by making others happy.

List of things to make others happy

1. Feed a dog, in turn he will sway, his a token of joy and gratitude.

A pet dog is nurtured with great love and affection …think about a stray dog ; almost each and everyone reading this blog must have fed a stray dog…yes …or no?

2. Wish and gift your family members on special occasions
I know many of you may be in a joint family and with my own experience it is difficult to satisfy the family elderly members  in some issues related to  cooking , some questions arising out of some rituals , traditions etc. Many of us find it weird and sometimes we may quarrel, argue…and all this kind of cold war exists spoiling the healthy relationship. Also all the time we are busy with some work that we tend to forget to honor our elders…and even few of the youngsters think that it’s better to forget the celebrations which actually is very wrong.

Nowadays we are greeting and meeting our near and dear ones in the digital world. Actually how many of you spend quality time with parents or spouse? I know many of you may crave for being with your loved ones, and wait for a good occasion to spend on. But tell me how many of you never miss to wish your near and dear ones on their birthdays? What I am trying to say is wishing someone on their birthday or anniversary itself is a good gesture. If possible you can gift (as a token of love), it can be anything from a candy to a costly perfume…what is important is the sweet moment which will last till we live. These actions will definitely rejuvenate the relationship.

One strained relationship is enough for a family…as it affects the other members present in the family too. Today we can hardly find joint families. It won’t surprise anyone if a father and son or a mother and a daughter are pulling legs of each other.

There is a buzz about the word “unconditional love”, this term is applied only in the fancy media world but not in the real world. When you start expecting that somebody has to care, somebody has to help and when it is not met, you are disappointed and you react in the same manner. This has happened to me also …for a moment I think and feel that it is quite silly to expect things, instead I promise myself to care or help or atleast give considerable time to understand the problems faced by family members. When will the time come to take the responsibility and put ourselves in others shoes? The moment you do things without any expectation, you will feel bliss.

3. Tutoring poor children in the locality

All of you reading my blog must have either finished schooling or pursuing education; hence you all must be aware of the significance of education. Try to refresh your knowledge by mentoring the skills of the children with respect to language, culture and academics. Enlightening the knowledge of the children or even a single child would bring overall change in his lifestyle at present as well as in future.

So all the above three points focus on bringing smile and happiness in different dimensions starting from the very own family, as family stands first in our priority.

We will deeply discuss the effect of happiness on our health in my upcoming blogs.

Do share your views and give your feedback regarding my writing.












  1. Wow. Commendable effort. Thank you for speaking your mind and making me think.
    Realising there's a fault makes it so much easier to fix.
    Keep writing 😊

  2. Super Sister.. keep writing


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