Life hack to #Happiness

Don’t lockdown your Happiness Haven’t you wondered and gone insane in search of happiness? Yes of course today we all are searching for happiness…but often we tend to forget it’s hidden within us. What is the difference between pleasure and happiness? Pleasure is finite and temporary in nature whereas happiness or joy is infinite. For example, when we purchase a car, mobile etc; the thing is treated as precious till our curiosity and anxiety exists, which gradually loses its worth may be in a day, a month and later we regret for purchasing an outdated model or version, isn’t it? So the temporary satisfaction which we gain is pleasure. Happiness is a broader concept; happiness brings us joy which is internally adorned by our feelings. For example, when we achieve our dream or when we help somebody in distress …note that the help can be categorized as physical, moral or financial …the inner peace which we get is so blissful that we cherish it till our lifetime. But there are peo...