My unexpected achievement

My unexpected achievement Nobody can forget their school days; they always remain cherishable and an un-erasable memory in our hearts. I differ here in the fact that, I enjoyed my college days the most than my school days. Those days are which I had fun growing up and a lot of stories I can tell my kids about. Everybody has a story behind an achievement, so do I. I want to relate my own experience of how I won an inter-collegiate debate competition. Consider we're back in time while reading the rest of the post . My first year went well. I always made friends very easily and the year went on smooth. The second year came in in an Autumn and that brought a Spring along with it. Yes, that's when I had the most dear memories. We were all busy working on a group presentation. The day came where we had to overcome the stage fear and gear ourselves to present . Back in those days, on-stage was scary for us than examinations. Almost each and every group managed to score well. Days pa...